. Medical professionals believe the life-threatening condition may have been caused by his wearing of a mask while jogging. In an interview with doctors who treated the man, it was revealed that he began running about two weeks ago, gradually increasing the distance covered with each run. He was wearing a mask each time he ran because of the seriousness of the coronavirus pandemic in Wuhan... On Thursday, the man decided to cut his run short as he was already having difficulty when breathing and walked home. After his condition worsened, his family decided to bring him to the hospital. According to Chen Baojun, the director of the department of thoracic surgery at the health facility, the man was vulnerable to spontaneous pneumothorax due to his tall and slender frame.There is certainly a possibility that this individual had some pre-existing condition he was unaware of. However; this is not the first mask-exercise medical emergency I have read about. Look, just keep your distance when running up on people and keep your hands off your face until you can wash them. There is a lot of fear mongering and politics going on around this outbreak.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Public Service Announcement: Stop Running With Masks On
For the record, I do not wear a mask when I go for my near daily runs. I have another blog where I discuss that part of my life. However; i see a lot of people biking and running with these oxygen restricters in place. Bad. Bad. Bad.