Monday, June 25, 2018

The Left Crow Rises

So we're back to this eh?

I have previously discussed the beginning of The New Left Crow:

In addition to that the New Left Crow has an entitlement complex. Just as Jim Crow operated to keep the undesirables in line, the Left Crow increasingly leverages the law to enforce it's on privileges. No longer is it the case that you should leave those one dislikes or disagrees with alone. One must also endorse that which they do.If you do not you are to be sanctioned. Do you own a store that happens to make wedding cakes. If you don't make one for a gay wedding you get to have a day in court and possibly get run out of business. Is it because you told the gay couple to get out your store?...

That businesses have a legitimate reason to decline services in such a way that is not legally discrimination. A business may not be allowed to decline a person of service because of that person but a business can decline to provide service to behavior they do not wish to be associated with.

Of course what is also entirely different here is that none of the Knights of the KKK would bother to BOTHER such a group to begin with. But not for these folks. The Left Crow says it's OK to purposely invade other peoples spaces and force themselves on them.

Over the weekend The Left Crow upped it's game by refusing service to Trump's spokesperson Sarah Sanders. Many on The Left Crow have made the specious claim that it is not different than the Christian baker who refused to create a wedding cake for a gay couple. So let's review for the hard headed:

The Christian baker, as discussed in previous posts did not decline service to a gay couple. He/they refused to associate themselves with a behavior which the gay couple were asking him to associate with: Their upcoming marriage. The baker told them, which is in all the relevant transcripts, he would sell them (AKA: Provide service) cookies, brownies or anything else in the store. He told them he would gladly make them a birthday cake. In other words, the Christian baker, who was morally opposed to the gay couple's behavior, was in fact willing to provide services to the couple.

In stark contrast, Sarah Sanders was seated in a restaurant and was told flat out to leave. She was declined any and all service, in what should be regarded as a blatant violation of her civil rights. The owner has allegedly claimed that her [gay and supposedly immigrant] wait staff and cooks were bothered (read: being total drama queens), by the prospect of serving niggers, sorry, Sanders. Sanders hadn't asked the restaurant to do anything special for her. She did not ask for a special "immigrant" meal. She did not ask for a special "fuck the gays" meal. She did not enter the premises without a shirt. She did not enter the premises without shoes. She was not being loud and obnoxious (like repeatedly using the word "nigga" in public like so many black people do). No She was denied any and every service because of who she was and for behavior that the restaurant was not a, nor asked to be a party to.

Rather than object strongly to this blatant violation of civil rights, one traitor US representative, Maxine Waters, who should know better, told a crowd of people that Trump staff should be harassed anywhere they are seen in public. So yes, the Left Crow is back to the behavior shown at the head of this post.

I'm just wondering when the lawn burnings start up again.