Saturday, February 07, 2015

Who Poses The Real Danger?

The question posed above is important. Recall that 1400 girls were raped in Rotherdam England and the authorities failed to investigate and prosecute because they were afraid to be called racist. Now it turns out that even more rape rings have been discovered:
Following a ‘milestone’ operation by Northumbria Police, 20 suspects appeared in court to face charges including rape, sexual assault and sex trafficking.

The alleged offences involved 12 victims, including one girl who was aged just 13, with officers vowing to continue their investigation into the abuse of vulnerable children...

In a separate case, 25 men from Halifax, West Yorkshire, were charged with a number of historic and child-related sex offences. Almost all of the men in both cases are from Asian backgrounds, prompting police leading one of the cases to warn that far-Right groups may use the issue to stir up racial tension. Northumbria Police launched Operation Sanctuary when two women walked into a police station 13 months ago and made a number of allegations.

The kicker:
Almost all of the men in both cases are from Asian backgrounds, prompting police leading one of the cases to warn that far-Right groups may use the issue to stir up racial tension.
Lets see. The rapists were not "far right". The people who didn't investigate or prosecute Rotherdam were not "far right" but the police are warning the public about "far right" groups. Seems that the police ought to be warning the public about the dangers of the other than far right groups to their children.

Silly me. I'm thinking logically again.