A Justice Department spokesman has called the leaks “irresponsible and highly troubling”. The spokesman added: “There seems to be an inappropriate effort to influence the public opinion around this case.” [My underlines]When Gov Jay Nixon called for a trial of officer Wilson prior to any fact finding or the results of a grand jury, he was engaged in an "inappropriate effort to influence the public opinion around this case". Where was the Justice Department [sic] when that occurred?
When US Atty General Holder went to Ferguson talking about how he understands as a "black man", he was engaged in an "inappropriate effort to influence the public opinion around this case." Where was the reprimand? Matter of fact why wasn't he fired on the spot?
If the Justice Department [sic] wants to be credible it must either deal with all parties engaging in "inappropriate efforts" or it should shut up and be quiet. That is what we call equal justice. It's not that hard.