Look at these recent headlines. Today: ‘Microsoft To Cut Workforce By 18,000 This Year, ‘Moving Now’ To Cut First 13,000.’ How about this headline: ‘[Google-owned] Motorola To Cut 10% Of Workforce After Laying Off 20% Last Year.’ ‘Panasonic To Cut 10K More Workers In The Next 5 Months.’ ‘[Online media and advertising company] CityGrid Lays Off 15% Of Its Employees.’ ‘Hewlett-Packard: 27,000 Job Cuts to Save Up To $3.5B By 2014.’ I would say things aren't going as well as some would suggest, and the demand out there for workers ought to be met from our current supply.Read the entire thing.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Senator Jeff Sessions Breaks it Down
It's pretty sad when the actual facts on immigration and wages has to come from a "conservative".