Saturday, May 14, 2011

Impact of Fatherless Homes

Watch this PSA:

Now ask yourself exactly what the "father" in this situation was supposed to be doing had he been there and watch again.

I believe there was a reference to a tie. There was a reference to "not being able to keep a decent relationship" Right...OK....Next. Watch it again.

No "provider". No protector. Nothing more than: "I feel bad."

Look, I grew up without my biological father in the house. I had a lot of questions. I had my moments of anger about it, but I did have a lot of men around who set examples for me. So if you're a single mother who's son hasn't learned how to tie a tie then exactly who's fault is that? If you as a single mother do not know any men who know how to tie a tie, I think that may be a part of the overall problem.

What about women who have children with no intention of having a father around? You know, because they haven't found Mr. Right yet ('cause they were busy or thought Denzel had a clone somewhere).

Where was the discussion of the financial impact of single parenting? I posted on this a long time ago, but it bears repeating that the median net worth of a black woman goes up dramatically simply by cohabiting with a man. And it works the other way too (though not to the same extent as men generally have a higher median net worth than women)

There are a lot of things that could be said here. While this piece surly pulls at the heartstrings I don't think it really gets to the heart of the matter. Not at all.