Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some donation Ideas for Haiti

For those who are contemplating sending stuff to Haiti you should consider a few things. Send toiletries. Think about it. Homes are destroyed and the bowels do not wait for construction. People need to relieve themselves and will need to clean up after themselves. donating toiletries will help to prevent waterborne and contact diseases that spread due to unsanitary conditions.

If you have the means, portable generators AND portable solar chargers are a good idea. People are without power. Haiti is blessed to be somewhere with much sunshine. people with cell phones and radios are going to need power in order to get news in and out of Haiti. Solar chargers can keep communication devices up and running. The ability to communicate is important. Generators are obvious but need fuel to run which could limit their effectiveness. long term though they will be needed once the initial triage is done and construction starts up.

Water purifiers. I'm not an expert in this field and I don't know much more than the Brita filters I use. But potable water is in need and who knows how much of the water is not purified. Non-purified water can lead to a number of gastro-intestinal diseases that are easily transmitted and are the second wave after the earthquake.

Of course there is a need for non-perishable food items (canned food). Food has been a serious issue in Haiti for a long time and no doubt is going to be worse now. While you or I may not indulge in many canned foods for health reasons. fact is that this is a survival issue for many Canned food is beats no food.

[update] I forgot to mention tents. It's near 90 degrees F over there as a daytime high. People need shelter and tents.

Really these things are more important than clothes right now. You can wear clothes for many days without much ill effects but being exposed to the elements is not good.