Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sometimes it's best to say nothing at all

In light of the silly discussion on race that I got into, the following link just had me shaking my head:

Whoopi: “Is the world flat?”

Sherri: “I don’t know.”

Ummm, did we go to school?

Entire movie here: http://www.crooksandliars.com/Media/Play/21552/2/the-view-on-evolution2.wmv

Seriously, I would be embarrassed to even say that.


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    She mentioned a library, but it seems that she is afraid of them. She doesn't "know" if the world is flat, but I bet she "knows" that Jesus was "god's son".

  2. She won't be fired. She was hired to be the mammy. I hate to say that about her, but I see a pattern. For the most part the view has hired overweight black women for the "black chick" role. Starr Jones was the mammy until she lost weight. I believe that is the real reason why they tossed her off the show. Then they had a few guests and Monique showed up. Then it was this one who was on and off until she became permanent. So she's playing the exact role that was expected of her. She's the safe, sexually non-threatening, comedic, black female. What more could white folk want?

    Now had she popped a gasket on national TV over the Jena 6 and did a Mos Def, then I'd be on pink slip watch.

  3. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I agree with you on the mammy situation and Star Jones. As soon as the black women on there stop playing their role, they become weary of them. You are so dead on, and yeah. She probably knows better, but wants to keep on shucking and jiving like a fool.


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