Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oh For The One Drop Rule

Saw the following comment here

BY ELVISLIVES AT 08/14/07 12:43 PM

It's a sad but true fact. I've worked in corporate America for seven years now, and I've never seen anyone on (or looking to be) the executive track with dreads or afros. Do you know it takes me an hour a day + an average of $40 a week in product/relaxer, etc. to keep my hair looking this white? And I'm only half black! I can only imagine what the 100 percenters have to put up with.

100 percenter! Now THAT is some psychological ish right there.

1 comment:

  1. I used to work at E&Y and Coppers & Lybrand before they merged with Price Waterhouse and I used to wear my hair natural. I quit before I made manager to go back to school.

    I suspect Black women are afraid and ashamed to wear their natural hair and this is their cop out.


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