Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Note on the War on Terror

Last night I lay contemplating, of all things, the supposed war on Terror. I try not to post too much on the subject since just about every political blogger is doing so and quite frankly I'm pretty surprised that Bush is not in court right now on treason charges, but anyway.

I did want to point out the following:

In the time between the invasion of Iraq and now, George Bush has gotten more US citizens killed than were killed on 9-11. Think on that for a minute. Mr. Bush has no problem with being directly responsible for over 3,000 deaths of US citizens (and perhaps some wanna-be citizens)in his completely illegal war in Iraq, but Cynthia McKinney is "nuts" for suggesting that this same person would have failed to prevent the 9-11 Attacks. Just think about that for a second. I won't even get into Iraqi casualties since, any head of state that is not particularly disturbed by getting US citizens killed in an illegal war, is not particularly concerned with the fate of Iraqis.

The second thing of note is the clearly absurd claim that the war in Iraq has made the US safer. It is common knowledge among at least the media that the so called "Al-qaida in Iraq" did not exist prior to the illegal invasion of Iraq. Understand that: No A-Q in Iraq before invasion or even 9-11. Now there is not only an A-Q in Afghanistan, but there is an AQ in Pakistan and Iraq. So there is more A-Q NOW then there was prior to 9-11. So the actions of the Commander in Chief has exacerbated the issue of A-Q and yet and still he has support.

Pretty sad state of affairs.

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