Friday, August 11, 2006

Who Let These Fools Talk?

Yesterday, It was with dismay that I watched a video which confirmed an early report of some of McKinney's crew having verbal altercations with members of the press. While I can completely understand the frustration at watching McKinney be insulted on a near daily basis and watching the media make wholly false claims against her, the following actions were simply out of line.

Firstly, this shows a low level of discipline within the campaign. Bodyguards are not spokespersons. It is not their job to speak to anyone at all. Period. As I've said in my coverage of the Capitol Police incident and in the previous redux on McKinney's defeat, there is and was a clear lack of foresight and judgment on the part of the people who have been allowed into McKinney's circle. People who are driven by their own ego rather than the good of the person they are supposedly working for. They have apparently forgotten that McKinney is not a member of a group like the NOI in which she can say and do whatever she pleases so long as the volunteer followers agree with her. She is, was, in a position that was predicated on the satisfaction of an electorate that could remove her rather than the other way around.

In the end comments such as: "I'm gonna get your Jewish Ass" were wholly unexcusable. Just as I am comepletely opposed to people who assault McKinney or call her a "bitch", "Ghetto Slut" and "Ho", I must object strongly to that unneccessary comment including the party with the Yarmukle on comment.

Clearly some members of the NBPP or whomever else was involved ought to read the Note to so called POC revolutionaries Because we have a clear violation of rule 4:

4) Name calling: Oh I think a lot of people fall down here. Most times conscious people are seen as being mad all the time. They are probably right. Often times I notice that persons who cannot defend their positions (even when they have the right one), end up name calling. Oh yes, your buddies will probably love you for "telling that cracker off" or whatever the opposition happens to be. Problem is, a lot of people who may have been with you may be turned off by your mouth (pen or keyboard). You simply never know who is in the audience and what they will respond too. Since even the most sailor mouthed person can understand to an intelligent and coherent argument, there is no need for the name calling. Worst yet, your opposition will use your sudden lack of vocabulary to smear you in the eyes of the audience. People will look at you and think that the foulness coming out of your mouth is indicative of what you stand for. Hey, I understand how easy it is. On occasion I've even fallen off that wagon. But be sure, you are being watched and listened to. Watch. Your. Mouth.

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